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Honor your father and your mother

Posted Thursday, November 08, 2007 by Charlie Trimm
Categories: Old Testament  
In our Deuteronomy class today Dan Block reminded us that Deuteronomy was primarily addressed to the head of the household. This has a variety of implications, but one that he pointed out was that this means the command to honor father and mother is not directed to children. This command is addressed to adult children, not to young children (although there is certainly a principle involved that is relevant). But the command is primarily for those of us who are older: we are the ones commanded to honor our parents. We have a difficul time with this in North America, as all too often what happens is that when the parents get old we just put them in a nursing home and dread visiting them. Instead, we need to honor them throughout our whole life, and as Christians we need to set the example in this area.

Thursday, November 29, 2007 1:08 PM

Anonymous wrote: Envious

I have to say I'm envious of your opportunity to sit under Dan Block.  I've been preaching through Judges and his insight has been incredible (NAC).  If he is half as engaging in person as he is in his text it must be a joy to study under him.


Mark Kernan  

Thursday, November 29, 2007 9:19 PM

Charlie wrote:  It is indeed a privilege, Mark. He is as much a pastor as a scholar. My wife was nervous about me being in a PhD program setting until she met Dan Block. He models the kind of pastoral scholar/teacher that I desire to be in the future, and I very much value my time here at Wheaton with him. And pretty much everything he has written is worth reading: if you see his name anywhere, you should buy the book just for his essay. Naturally, I am biased and my word should be taken with a fair helping of salt, but whatever he writes at least challenges one even if his view is not followed.

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