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Recently Acquired Books

Posted Thursday, April 17, 2008 by Charlie Trimm

I'm always interested in what other people are reading, so I thought I would post some of the new books that I have gotten recently and why I bought them. I'm not sure during which lifetime I will read them, though.

1. Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch - I'm writing a dissertation on the Pentateuch. Enough said.

2. Psalms for Young Children - For reading to Eily

3. Genesis, by James McKeown - a commentary on Genesis from a theological intepretation of Scripture viewpoint

4. Betrayal, edited by Robert Erickson - A collection of essays on the church in Germany during World War 2

5. War in Ancient Egypt, by Spalinger - for my dissertation

6. The Concept of Biblical Theology, by James Barr - A 1 on my reading list, which means that I have to read it and write a review of it.

7. Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testament, Childs - another 1 on my reading list

8. Leviticus 1-16, Milgrom - I got a good deal on this very large and expensive book

9. The Tree of Life: An Exploration of Biblical Wisdom Literature, Murphy - Another 1 on the list

10. French for Reading - summer project

11. הארי פוטר ומסדר עוף החול (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) - practice my Hebrew 

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